Printable Pattern Block Templates, Pictures & Mats
Printable pattern block templates and pictures are a great way to engage young students in learning concepts like shapes, color, counting, numbers, and measurements.
The easy-to-use pattern block template ideas are loved by so many students, they’re perfect for Kindergarten and 1st grade!
Plus, all of these pattern block templates come with multiple options:
- Colored templates with lines
- Colored templates without lines
- Black and white templates without lines
- Black and white templates with lines
- Christmas
- Thanksgiving
- Fall/Autumn
- St. Patrick’s Day
- Valentine’s Day
- Halloween
- Hannukah
- Spring
- Flowers and so much more
Your students will love them, shop all options below! 👇
Most Popular Pattern Block Template Options
Check out some of the most popular pattern block mat and pictures that my students (and hundreds of other teachers’ students) love!
Most of the pattern block printables are geared toward Kindergarten & 1st grade!
More Pattern Block Templates - with & without lines, Color and B&W
Check out more pattern blocks to help drive home important concepts, like shape recognition and even geometric shapes, for your students!
Each pattern block product comes with options with and without lines, in either color or black & white.

The Value of Pattern Block Activities
Using pattern blocks with kindergarteners and 1st graders offers several benefits.
Firstly, pattern block pictures provide a concrete representation of shapes, helping students develop spatial awareness and compare geometric concepts improve visual discrimination skills.
Secondly, pattern block activities foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills through open-ended activities.
And, pattern blocks support mathematical communication and language development by encouraging students to describe and discuss their creations.
Overall, pattern blocks engage young learners, build a foundation in geometry, and enhance mathematical skills. They’re the perfect addition to your Kindergarten or 1st Grade classroom!