Are you frustrated trying to create the perfect small group phonics lesson? Overwhelmed where to even start? Too tired to think it all through?
Decodables in a Dash includes ALL you need for a complete phonics lesson with very little prep! These Print & Go decodable books will help students master foundational Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd grade phonics patterns! Your students will love these decodable readers!
Decodables in a Dash will help YOUR STUDENTS:
- Practice specific phonics skills
- Strengthen their decoding and encoding skills
- Develop stronger word building skills
- Critically think about text
- Become READERS!
Decodables in a Dash will help YOU:
- Spend less time prepping small group lessons
- Save on ink
- Spark a love of reading in your students
- Feel confident in your teaching
Each day’s lesson plans is organized in a simple, teacher-friendly layout. Check out the Preview for FOUR free lessons!
Decodables in a Dash are:
· Print, Fold & Go – no stapling!
· Scripted Lessons
· Copy-Friendly
· Engaging
Decodables in a Dash Phonics Books Includes:
- Detailed Set-Up Directions
- 85 One-Page Decodable Readers with Original Artwork
- 85 Making Words Lessons
- 85 Book Blurbs {to focus your students’ reading}
- 85 Dicated Sentences
- Turn & Talk Prompts for Comprehension
- Dicated Sentence Writing Journal
- 4 Letter Tile Options
CVC Books
- short a {5 books}
- short o {5 books}
- short u {5 books}
- short e {5 books}
- short vowel + plurals
Double Final Consonant Books
- ll/ss
- zz/ll
- ll/ss
- short vowel + ‘s {3 books}
Blends Books
- beginning l blends {2 books}
- beginning s blends {2 books}
- beginning r blends {2 books}
- final blends {3 books}
- triple blends {1 book}
Digraphs Books
- beginning ch digraph {2 books}
- beginning sh digraph {2 books}
- beginning th digraph {1 book}
- beginning wh digraph {1 book}
- ending ck digraph {2 books}
- ending ng digraph {1 book}
- ending nk digraph {1 book}
- ending -sh, -ch-, th digraphs {2 books}
CVCe Books
- a_e {2 books}
- e_e {1 book}
- i_e {2 books}
- o_e {2 books}
- u_e {1 book}
Long Vowel Books
- open syllables {2 books}
- ai {2 books}
- ay {2 books}
- ea {1 book}
- ee {1 book}
- oa {1 book}
- ow {1 book}
- y as a vowel {long i} {1 book}
- y as a vowel (long e) {1 book}
- igh {1 book}
R-Controlled Vowel Books
- ar {1 book}
- ur {1 book}
- ir {1 book}
- or/ore {1 book}
Diphthong Books
- long oo {as in zoo}
- short oo {as in book}
- ow {as in cow}
- ou {as in house}
- oi/oy
Here’s What Other Teachers Think About These Decodable Readers
“I’m so excited to use this with my students! I love how organized the materials are and how much thought was put into the scope and sequence. The word work, books and dictated sentence all go together seamlessly and will help keep my small groups focused. I can’t wait to see how much my students grow by using these materials.”
“This is an AMAZING resource! Decodables in a Dash will be perfect for small groups. We are in desperate need of more decodable books. I love that the books can be printed on one page. The attention to detail that went into creating this product is incredible. It will save me so much time this year. Thank you so much! :)”
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